
This will sound like a broken record:

Good editing is not about software but rather about good storytelling.

Right? I bet you've heard it more than 147 times before. 

And I share this point of view. 

No doubt. 100%. I’m in! 


…learning storytelling and software is rarely enough to make a good living as an editor. 

So what’s the missing piece? Or - as a matter of fact - missing pieces?

Technique, productivity, and mindset. Mastering these essentials makes a good storyteller unstoppable. With strong foundations, you can edit anything.

So how do we work on these skills inside The Editing Chef?

I’m glad you asked! Let me roll up my sleeves and explain. 

What Does The Editing Chef Teach?


It’s one thing to be a good storyteller. It’s another to know tricks to make the ideas, a reality. 

We’re addressing these tricks in Editing Quarks. Biweekly, NLE-agnostic tutorials on universal techniques that can be applied to just about anything you edit. Often accompanied by exercise footage you can use for practice.

How you organize and label your projects makes a difference not only in how fast you’re able to find what you need but, also in making your creative decisions.

There are 17 video lessons in the program library that will teach you about workflows, project organization, best editing practices, and more. You can watch them at your own pace.


Focus and effectiveness in your edit bay are important because it not only allows you to do more work but also to have a meaningful life outside of the timelines.

The goal is not to do things faster (that’s just a side effect) but to do them smarter. 

Life throws numerous challenges at us every day. Especially as freelancers since we have to make our own hours. It's great to no longer have a boss standing behind you staring at your monitor…

…but it opens doors for procrastination, distractions, and concentration problems. 

There are 14 video lessons in the program library that will teach you about designing productive editing sessions. 

You’ll be working on your editing effectiveness, streamlining workflow, and your ability to focus deeply. It’s industry-focused productivity education you won’t find anywhere else.

Let me tell you something they never tell you in film school: shaping good stories fast becomes easier - as soon as you eliminate distractions.

Once you take on the challenge you will be able to do more work in less time and still feel energized before the weekend.


Mindset is crucial because things like your attitude, and your approach to the craft or client feedback are the most important factors for getting clients to return.

There is a video lesson that dives into how to evaluate your mindset as an editor and what to do if you find out that the mindset you have is not serving you well. 

There's also a video lesson about mindset towards feedback and working with clients and directors, plus an extension podcast episode about dealing with client feedback. 

What Students Say

“I just could not stop watching! I got some great tips that I still use to this day and continue to refer to. Even if you have been editing for 10 years like I had, there are still lots of things to learn.”

How Do We Teach?

But… The Editing Chef program is not only about access to the video library. This is barely one pillar of what it offers. I call it a ‘program’ for a reason.

I want you to take action. I want you to work on your skill set. I want to do something that almost no one in this online learning space does - hold you accountable. 

And to have this layer of engagement, the focus of the program comes down to three things.

Constant and regular self-improvement

This is why every two weeks you get a new Editing Quarks lesson. Something focused on editing techniques and skill sets. Very often accompanied by practice footage to really learn a given concept. 

This is also a reason why we have regular, interactive live sessions in the program. Some of them are topic-driven, and some of them are in AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) format. 

And finally, that’s why we have a bunch of special events every now and then. Things like a quarterly book club discussion (editing-related of course) or a semi-annual roundtable discussion with top-tier editors. 

I’ll host the next roundtable discussion on May 14, 2023.

All of the Editing Chef members will be able to watch it live and have a chance to ask a question in the AMA session that will follow.

My guest list is just extraordinary:

Daniel Garber

His credits include How to Blow Up a Pipeline (2022), The Drop (2022), and Cam (2018)

Daysha Broadway

Her credits include I Wanna Dance with Somebody (2022) and episodes of shows like Insecure or A Black Lady Sketch Show.

- Nicholas Monsour

His credits include Us (2019), Nope (2022), and Keanu (2016).

- Rodrigo Brazão

His credits include Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me (2022), and series like Always Jane or Harry & Meghan.

- Alex Familian

His credits include Appendage (2023), Conversion(2022), and Kid Gambled (2016)

Practicing and sense of accountability

Because I will be publishing new videos every other week (Editing Quarks), you will be motivated to learn new things. Very often there will be practice footage attached so you can test a given technique on your own to get familiar with it and implement it on your next paying job. 

Short Film Dailies

You will get real film footage to download and practice.

You can even use it for your editing reel!

A community that you interact and learn with

In The Editing Chef community, editors like you are progressing their careers, mastering flow in the edit bay, and loading their tool belts with new editing techniques.

This is a place where I, as a host, care about your progress but I also want you to interact with other like-minded editors. 

Self-directed learning is great, but it never allows us to truly gauge how good we are and what we still need to learn. 

That’s why we have a private community hosted on the same platform as the video library. You don’t have to visit third-party tools to be part of it. The link between the community and the content is literally one click away.

It will be your resource but also a go-to group of industry colleagues hosted in a place without advertisers fighting for your attention and pulling you away from things you should be doing. 

Once you edit something in or outside the program curriculum, you can send it for feedback from me or other members of the community. 

We watch your edit and provide you with detailed notes and suggestions on how to improve it. 

Let's Summarize All You Get

It's truly an irrefutable offer!

  • Editing Quarks
    Biweekly, NLE-agnostic tutorials on universal techniques which can be applied to just about anything you edit.
    Often accompanied by exercise footage you can use for practice.

  • Library of 40+ videos
    Various lessons on designing efficient and productive editing workflow, editing techniques, and the editor’s mindset.
    Over 4 hours of to-the-point lessons to watch at your own pace but the library of lessons grows with a new Editing Quarks video every other week.

  • Exclusive Community
    A private community for growth-minded editors committed to self-discovery, willing to practice their skills, and eager to create their own success.
    It’s a dedicated place to ask questions, practice, and grow editing skills. It’s hosted on the same platform as the content. No distractions fighting for your attention.

  • Regular Live Sessions
    This includes AMA office hours, sessions expanding on the topics from the Editing Quarks, quarterly book club discussions, quarterly film (or short film) club discussions, and after-hours get-togethers.

  • Special Events
    Like semi-annual Roundtable Discussions with high-tier editors and a chance to ask them questions.

  • Complete Short Film Dailies
    You will get all the dailies and you can even use a final edit in your reel!

  • Feedback on Your Edits
    Once you edit something in or outside the program curriculum, you can send it for feedback from me or other members of the community.

  • Exclusive Discounts

  • Live Sessions Archive

One more thing...

I Cooked Up These Bonuses For You

Get all of them for free when you enroll today.

  • Storage for Editors Mini-Course

    Storage issues stacking up? Get them all straightened out with this guide, and never lose another clip.

    Value: $29
    Today's price: Free

  • 3 Months Soundly Pro

    Soundly is my best choice for the ultimate sound library. Now you can see and hear! for yourself.

    I'm giving you free access to Soundly Pro for 3 months as a thank you for joining Editing Chef today.

    Value: $45
    Today's price: Free

So How Much Is It?

I’m not gonna do a sales pitch saying things like

"Normally this program costs six figures + a kidney but only today you can get it at an atomic fraction of the price."

Nah. I hate this type of manipulating offers. 

But I can tell that the price will only increase over time.

Right now you can get access to the whole package for $329 (this includes all lessons, downloadables, community, access to special events, and live sessions) or just to the Community for $149 (which includes live sessions and special events). 

You also don’t have to worry about unexpected charges. I will email you a month before your renewal. But you're probably gonna stick around as I will do a lot to make this year rich in new learning for you. 

The Editing Chef


  • $297.00

    Access to everything
    including new content,
    downloadable short film footage,
    and community events.

    Enroll in the Program

Module 1: Editing Productivity

● How to set up your editing bay to boost your productivity.

● Discovering distractions in your daily schedule, and how eliminating them allows your creativity & focus to flow.

● Why you SHOULD plan for boredom, breaks and mistakes and how to bounce back quickly on days your schedule runs over.

● Learn my five steps for a focused editing session.

● Understand the value of time-blocking to create traction and consistently achieve your editing goals.

● Good questions to ask before you begin any editing session, so you achieve razor-sharp focus.

● How to recognize creative blocks and clear them to enjoy more freedom and satisfaction when you edit.

● Why embracing constraints, establishing a quick result and feedback cycle, and avoiding “the curse of knowledge” means your positivity and creativity will remain high.

● Discover the Hemingway Rule. You will always come ready to start your next editing session like a rocket ready for takeoff.

Module 2: Editor's Mindset

● Cultivate a can-do attitude in just 3-steps.

● How to break free of creativity blocks and master powerful storytelling every day.

● Ideas for how to streamline your client feedback loop to eliminate unhelpful comments.

● Things you can do to experience less negative energy around the feedback process and glide through frustration.

● How to handle difficult notes and still come out smiling.

Module 3: Keeping Projects Organized

● Uncover "The Bus Factor" and discover why you need to harness it for your editing business today.

● Setting up searchable systems - so you can stop hunting cluelessly through files once and for all.

● Struggling with editing choices? How to use the power of hooks, stakes, and story to catapult you into your opening scenes.

● [NEW} Case Studies breaking down project organization for two real-life projects I worked on.

Module 4: Tech & Workflows

● Discover how to choose and maximize your tech for greater efficiency.

● Tips for handling your media cache and auto saves - so you never lose work again.

● How I edited 4k footage on a 7-year old machine just using proxies to speed my workflow. (And how you could too).

● Find and free up bottlenecks and save yourself hours.

● How to use presets to propel you from the middle to the end of your project.

● What presets are really necessary and tutorials on how to use them for motion enhancement, audio effects, titles & captions, and to automate exporting.

● A fast and frictionless approach to graphics for the story-driven editor.

● Shortcuts you can’t live without, plus my own custom shortcuts files for you to download.

● Learn smart rendering strategies for smoother playback and fast exports.

● Best practices for keeping timelines tidy, and one whole class dedicated to game-changing pancake timelines.

● How to use Excalibur (powerful plugin for Premiere Pro)

Module 5: Editing Quarks

● Short tutorials on universal editing techniques which can be applied to just about anything you edit.

● New Editing Quark added every other week.

● Often accompanied by exercise footage you can use for practice.

● Topics include using morph cuts in narrative editing, editing with eye-trace in mind, using masks to alter actors' performance, and many more!


“The biggest takeaway for me is thinking about the "what" and the "why" behind the scenes. Thinking with that kind of mindset instead of just trying to make a cool edit. How am I going to emotionally engage the audience? Honestly, the best value for money I've spent on a course.”

“It pays for itself. Any job I work where I utilize any of the skills that I expanded my mind on is going to pay for itself. It made Editing Chef a no-brainer.”

“I am at a crucial point in my career path and, as expected, Editing Chef is a great help to my journey. I find the global aspects the most interesting: Mindset, prep work, asking yourself why you are doing this. (If the answer is storytelling, you're in the right place).”

Money Back Guarantee

Never done anything like this before? No problem.

I’m fully confident that the library of 40+ videos, new content coming to the platform every other week, and access to all of our special events and live sessions will prove to be worth the investment.

That’s why I’m giving you a 30-days money-back guarantee. If you watch the lessons, finish at least one exercise, and are not satisfied - I will give you the full amount back.

It never happens but still - consider yourself fully protected by this guarantee.

Who's Piotr

I love editing. I love films. And I love sharing what I know.

I’ve spent the last 7 years editing commercials, corporate videos, documentaries, and short films while running my YouTube channel, so I'm no stranger to the frustration and stress that comes with running an editing business.

I won’t lie. It hasn’t always been easy - and it still isn't some days. But over the years I've developed proven practices I use to get me into the creative zone fast, manage multiple tasks, and make enough money to support my family AND still spend quality time with them.

When I heard many editors had the same struggles I had, I wanted to share what helped me breakthrough.

I created Editing Chef to give you no-stress strategies you can use to easily manage - and love - your editing business.

I can’t wait to cheer you on in Editing Chef.

See you inside!

Piotr Toczyński
Freelance Film and Video Editor
Creator of Cut to the Point

[email protected]

Piotr Toczyński

Freelance Film and Video Editor

Still deciding if Editing Chef is right for you?

Take it from me, this program is a perfect fit for you if:

  • You’re serious about scaling your business and owning your schedule in the next 12 months

  • You are sick of stressing about wasting so much time

  • You’ve tried to speed up your editing sessions before, but it hasn’t really gone to plan

  • You want to excel as an editor

  • You want to talk with other editors on the same journey

  • You are willing to learn from others as well as give back to the community

  • You have basic NLE software knowledge

  • Think of yourself as a filmmaker, not just an editor

Join The Editing Chef


  • $297.00

    Access to everything
    including new content,
    downloadable short film footage,
    and community events.

    Enroll Now

Your clients will thank you for this.
But don't just take my word for it.

“Piotr has figured out the essence of what it takes to be a better, faster editor, and has distilled it into an efficient, teachable format. The class had left me reinvigorated to use my editing machine again!”

“Piotr is one of the good guys. He's very professional. Very kind. It feels like he's around for the long term. The ongoing group catchups are gold dust.”

You have questions? Well, let's get them answered!

  • I would love to do this, but I already struggle with my schedule.
    How much time will it take?

    I hear you. There's a lot of self-guided stuff in The Editing Chef. Each class is compact and should take no longer than 15 minutes to view.

    Most students get done in 60 days (and return again and again). You can watch at your own pace and join live sessions and other special events when it suits you.

    Trying the ideas and making them a smooth part of your workflow takes practice, but when you go that extra step you’ll see your efficiency as an editor soar. You’ll finally break free of the stress and overwhelm that holds so many editors back.

  • How is The Editing Chef different from what I watch on Youtube?

    It’s great you’ve been watching and learning new things.

    But let me ask you.

    Did you feel better about your own editing work after watching?

    Did you improve your output?

    My guess is no.

    The Editing Chef is one of the only programs that shows you how to get into the mindset to dive into a project, alongside the processes to avoid distractions. If you are serious about getting faster - and also want to love editing long-term without getting burned out - you’ll get the steps you need to make it happen in The Editing Chef.

  • I don’t use Premiere Pro. Will what you teach still work?

    Yes. Only a few lessons in the video library have Premiere-specific references.

    We have satisfied students who use Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and Avid.

  • I don’t have budget for new tech. Can I still take this course?

    Definitely. In fact, I don’t insist you need any new tech to take this class.


    Most editors think they’ll be more efficient if they have a faster computer, more RAM or even a whole bunch of presets. I don’t agree. Keeping your tech updated enough to handle your projects is fine - anything extra can actually add distractions.

    Here’s the thing. Tech is not actually the root cause of the problem. If you are slow now, you’ll also be slow on a brand new mac, because you won’t have solved the real problem. That’s why we go beyond tech specs and dive into areas of mindset and productivity. (Hint - these are actually the root cause!).

  • Time management stresses me out.
    Are you sure I can learn this?

    Yes. These ideas are proven and learnable - just ask my past students!

    Here's the thing. As editors, we’re all just somehow meant to know how to manage projects, manage clients, and manage a business. No-one teaches that. So, don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t got those strategies in place yet.

    It's why I made the course compact and accessible and extremely focused on the struggles editors face getting organized and delivering on deadline.

    And think about it. There was a time when you had no clue what a frame rate or a graphic match was. But you learned. I have 100% faith in the fact that you can learn - and adopt - the strategies in The Editing Chef too, with no extra stress. After all, if I can do it, then you can too!